
Life Through A Mathematician's Eyes

Being a student at mathematics is sometimes very hard and stressing. But I consider that this is my love and I would like to study this all my life, so I don’t complain.

Reading all kind of math books, I find a lot of quotes about mathematics and different ‘subgroups’ (if I can say like that) of it. Considering this I decided that I need to share with you this part of my life…

” Mathematics is often erroneously referred to as the science of common sense” (Edward Kasner and James R. Newman)

“Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about nor whether what we are saying is true” (Bertrand Russell)

“One should not forget that the functions, like all mathematical constructions, are only our own creations and that when the definition with which one begins ceases to make sense, one…

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